Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shalom from Israel--Read Psalm 122:6 (then do it!)

How is Israel? Well, what I've seen is great, but the truth is I've seen NOTHING!!! Not yet anyway-not being a part of a tour, I haven't been anywhere-my roommates are busy so they haven't taken me anywhere yet-

I go to class in the morning, and after class I come home-surf the internet, do homework, and that's about it.

I did go to a 24 hr house of prayer last Wednesday night and got lost trying to find it, but I could see the Old City in the distance, so I prayed for it while I was there. But I haven't been into it yet. I do have a new friend, Kipp (no, absolutely strictly platonic) a friend of my roommates, who offered to take me around and show me stuff, but we haven't gotten together yet-he lives outside of Jerusalem...

I was invited to Haifa for this coming weekend, but I have absolutely no money so I had to turn it down--The school I'm attending used to do a city tour, but now they're restructuring their program, so I don't know if that will happen.

But the rest of the city (not the historical parts) is really nice-it's weird, I have such a feeling of peace being here. I'm not afraid or worried to go out by myself-I take the bus to class every a.m., and I've just started walking back. And I mentioned going to that house of prayer last week-that was after dark, and again by myself-and I never do stuff like that in foreign countries, and certainly not on foot.

While I was in Brazil I only left the ministry alone to go to the bank, grocery store, and video store each week, and usually I combined those errands into one trip, so I'm feeling pretty adventurous here. J

You figure I've been here less than 2 weeks and I'm already starting to make friends, so once I know some people I should start seeing the fun stuff. But I guess this way is good because I'm experiencing what it's like to live here-I have no idea what it's like to be a tourist here-perhaps that's what God wants for me for now?

But I love it-I could live here if they'd let me-of course I'd miss you guys, but I think I could be happy here if God ever wanted to send me here long term.

My roommates are pretty cool, a guy and a girl. Both American, but she lives here now, and he's just "hanging out" like me.

My class is amazingly international, even more than the base in Richmond. We have students from: Sweden, England, Italy, France, Lebanon, Germany, Holland, the U.S. of course, and several Latin American countries. The people are great, and so are my two teachers.

The only bad thing is that I've been sick-which is unusual-I've usually been pretty healthy when I've traveled. My roommate stained some furniture and that irritated my lungs, and 2 days later I came down with a chest cold. I haven't been able to sleep horizontally since Thursday night (too much coughing and wheezing)-but maybe I’ll be able to tonight-I'm feeling a little better.

Well I've probably rambled on long enough-write to me, okay? Until my volunteer work starts, I have lots of time on my hands!

Remember to pray for my health-and for my finances!!
Blessings from Jerusalem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Monica, good to see you adjusting, keep at it and speak Hebrew like crazy, make mistakes! I know you can do it.